Career Online

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Monday, July 25, 2005

Career Online - Career Test

Career Personality and Aptitude Tests

Taking a career personality test is a little like playing "what do you want to be when you grow up?" with a twist. The twist is that personality tests can give you ideas about what you possibly should do rather than you simply pondering what you want to do. A personality test can give you an indication of which jobs match your personality type and which careers you may have an aptitude for. You do need to remember that the test results are only an indicator and should not be relied on as an absolute assessment of which career is best for you.

That said, spend some time taking a career personality test or two, conduct a career assessment, review career options and consider how they may fit with your personality. Evaluating your goals and life style can provide insight into what types of jobs you are best suited for. You may also get some information on career options that you hadn't even thought of before. Also some of the tests are actually fun to take. If nothing else, you will gain information on potential careers that you can explore to see if they really are a good fit.

A variety of career tests are available online. Some are complicated, others are quick and easy. There are fees for some assessments, others are free. Start with the free tests to see how they work for you. Then consider the more in-depth analysis provided by the top rated assessment instruments like Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Strong Interest Inventory or the Keirsey Temperment Sorter which do charge a fee for products and services but may be well worth the investment.

The top career tests include:

Myers-Briggs (MBTI)
This is one of the top rated instruments to help assess your personality type and explore career options (fee). If you're a college graduate, check to see if your career office offers no-cost testing for alumni.

Career Key
Free online career assessment tool which determines how similar you are to six different personality types. The results are linked to occupational choices.

Discover Your Perfect Career Quiz
Take Monster's quick quiz and discover which career is perfect for you. This one only take a few minutes.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter
The Keirsey Temperament Sorter, another top rated test, helps you discover what type of temperament you have and tells you if you're an Artisan, Guardian, Rational or Idealist (free description, option to purchase full report).

Princeton Review Career Quiz
Answer a series of questions to determine the best career choices for you. You'll need to register (free) to get full results.

Strong Interest Inventory
See how your interests match professional careers, plus learn about your preferred work style, learning environment and leadership style.

More Personality Tests
Directory of online general and career personality tests.

Here's what I discovered about my personality and careers. Monster decided I was "cautious, conservative and quiet; literal, realistic and practical, careful and precise; logical, honest and matter of fact" which is a pretty close fit. Princeton Review selected "college administrator" as one of my career options. That one was interesting because it's exactly what I do at my day job. Some of the other options, like anthropologist or curator are jobs that I would have an interest in doing. Then there was the Color Quiz which told me that I have "considerable stress," need to "stand out from the herd" and I'm "making the best of things." I'm not quite sure about that one!

When you're exploring career options, it's worth taking some time to get some suggestions on what career might be right for you. Then spend time researching the options to discover if you really have found the career that's right for you.

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